Lambda Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Herman A. McGill
Fulton & Washington Families
The Weaver & Margaret McGill Family
Thank you for your support of our 2024 Epps-McGill Farmhouse Preservation Gala
Epps-McGill Farmhouse
A Brief History of Epps-McGill Farmhouse
More than 65 years ago, Weaver and Margaret McGill rented a two-story home in Kingstree, South Carolina, as tenant farmers where they and their family members worked the land in the sharecropping system more than two decades. In the 1970s, this family made history becoming the owners of this property, which rarely ever happened in the lives of southern sharecroppers. This property is now known as Epps-McGill Farmhouse. Built in 1906, the extraordinary history of the Farmhouse led to its selection to be added to the National Registry of Historic Places in September 2020.
As descendants of Weaver and Margaret McGill, we know their desires were to preserve this beloved homestead for decades and centuries to come and maintain it as a place for reunions, homecomings, homegoings, holidays and more.