McGill and Associates, Inc., is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Epps-McGill Farmhouse in Kingstree, South Carolina and its heritage and history and educating the community at-large and the general public about the history of the property. Our educational efforts include farming and sharecropping processes, tools and the types of plants and crops that were a part of the property’s heritage throughout the 20th century.
We are currently raising funds for the restoration and preservation of the Epps – McGill Farmhouse.
Our Board of Directors:
Lillie McGill – Project Manager for Epps-McGill Farmhouse Restoration/Preservation Skills: Project Management, Leadership, Organization, Logistics and Problem-solving
Lynn Richardson – Strategically facilitates communications and initiatives with key stakeholders relative to the preservation and restoration of Epps-McGill Farmhouse. Skills: Marketing, Project Management, Account Management, Strategic Thinking, Critical Thinking
Vicki McGill – Grant writer, photographer, content creator and website designer