
Please join us for our Inaugural Preservation Gala on November 16, 2024 at the Bean Market in Lake City, SC and consider sponsoring the event. The evening will feature great entertainment, a delectable meal, silent auction and the sharing of the importance of this historic gem.
Our Preservation Gala will be an enjoyable evening for everyone. This event includes:

  • A Silent Auction
  • A Dinner Program
  • Live entertainment from Level 10 Band & Show
  • Mixing, mingling and meeting other great supporters of Epps-McGill Farmhouse

We are offering opportunities to partner with us and become an official sponsor of the Preservation Gala and Epps-McGill Farmhouse. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to fund the critical restoration and stabilization of Epps-McGill Farmhouse and partnering with your organization will have a significant impact on our success.
Please download our Sponsorship Package for more information about becoming a sponsor for this wonderful opportunity to support our mission of the stabilization, restoration and preservation of Epps-McGill Farmhouse.

In return, we offer prominent recognition as an official gala sponsor, with your logo displayed in our materials, signage, and social media campaigns as well as the benefits listed under the sponsorship level you are considering. Your commitment to the restoration of Epps-McGIll Farmhouse will also be highlighted in our press releases.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Two full tables – sixteen (16) gala tickets
  • Logo featured prominently on event webpage, all promotional materials and advertising
  • Two page ad spread in digital event program
  • Traditional and social media mentions
  • Most prominent sponsor logo recognition via event signage
  • Recognition on event screen projection
  • Special recognition from the gala podium
  • Inclusion in “thank our sponsors” panel in all email communications
  • A Private Tour
  • A group volunteer opportunity
  • Recognition on Farmhouse signage after restoration completion
  • Two inscribed bricks placed in one of the Farmhouse’s walkways*
  • A full table of eight (8) gala tickets
  • Recognition on the event webpage
  • Full page ad in digital event program
  • Recognition on event screen projection
  • Logo recognition via event signage
  • Inclusion in “thank our sponsors” panel in all email communications
  • A Private Tour
  • Two inscribed bricks placed in one of the Farmhouse’s walkways*
  • Recognition from the gala podium
  • Recognition on Farmhouse signage after restoration completion
  • A half table of four (4) gala tickets
  • Recognition on the event webpage
  • Half page ad in digital event program
  • Recognition on event screen projection
  • Logo recognition via event signage
  • Inclusion in “thank our sponsors” panel in all email communications
  • Recognition from the gala podium
  • Two inscribed bricks placed in one of the Farmhouse’s walkways*
  • Recognition on Farmhouse signage after restoration completion
  • Two (2) gala tickets
  • Quarter page ad in digital event program
  • Recognition on event screen projection
  • Logo recognition via event signage
  • Recognition from the gala podium
  • Inclusion in “thank our sponsors” panel in all email communications
  • Recognition on Farmhouse signage after restoration completion
  • Two inscribed bricks placed in one of the Farmhouse’s walkways*
  • One (1) gala ticket
  • Text mention in digital event program
  • Inclusion in “thank our sponsors” panel in all email communications
  • Recognition from the gala podium
  • One inscribed brick placed in one of the Farmhouse’s walkways
  • Recognition on Farmhouse signage after restoration completion

Ways to become a Sponsor

Download the Sponsorship Package and mail in your form and check or complete your information on the form below.

Select your Sponsorship Level