DEADLINE FOR RESPONSE: January 31, 2025 by 12:00 PM
Sealed bids for the General and Stabilization Phase I of the Epps-McGill Farmhouse, located at 679 Eastland Avenue, Kingstree, South Carolina will be accepted by McGill and Associates, Inc. until January 31, 2025 at 12:00 Noon. Bids may be mailed, delivered by hand or by express courier to our office at 699 Eastland Avenue, Kingstree, SC 2955. Please mark the outside of the envelope with “Epps-McGill Farmhouse.” Bids must be received by the specified time at which time they will be open and recorded.
This project is funded, in part, by a Historic Preservation State Grant from and administered by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH). Epps-McGill Farmhouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and all work must be in accordance with the attached plans and specifications that have been approved by SCDAH to be in compliance with the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties.